01 56 02 69 81Linkedin
  • Organization of the treasury function


    Treasury and security audit; organization of Group treasury; Inhouse bank setup; Process description and treasury guidelines.

  • Information systems

    Information systems

    Target architecture; RFP and Selection support; Implementation support.

  • Optimization of transactions and cash flows

    Optimization of transactions and cash flows

    Collections; Payments ; Payments digitalization ; security ; Cash flow concentration ; netting ; forecasts.

  • Banking services

    Banking services

    Prices and Services Benchmarking; Tender for banking services; Outsourcing; Support to bank change.

  • Funding and risk management

    Funding and risk management

    Funding arrangements; FX and interest rate risk management; asset management; reporting; performance measurement.

  • Training


    Tailor-made training; Change management; strategy adoption, involvement in new processes.

A 360° vision of treasury

Eurotrésorerie Consultants is a treasury consulting firm of seasoned consultants. Our approach is a combination of business expertise and tested methodology. We are committed to value creation and focused on ensuring key deliverables and tangible outcomes;
Our legitimacy is built on mastering organizational and management methodology and strengthen with feedback experience from reference projects.
We address the full range of treasury-related issues (360° vision) combining organizational and business consultancy activities.

Business services
Une vision 360



Strong knowledge of industries

Although Treasury is an essential and common function to every company, specific expertise is often needed depending on the specific business model of each industry. Eurotrésorerie has developed ability and knowledge within specific fields such as social insurance, social housing, retail business, LBOs. 

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Independant consulting

Eurotrésorerie Consultants is an independent boutique started in 1992 and fully owned by the managing partners.
Our professional independence lies in a strict separation between our business and those of banks and system vendors, in that way preventing from any conflict of interest.

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Conseil indépendant