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Target architecture of information systems

  • Mapping of systems and interfaces; efficiency and risk assessment of management processes
  • Defining a target architecture and a medium-term roadmap including valuation of ROI of each transformation (setup of a transaction Fx platform, e-matching solution, interfacing between treasury systems and ERP to produce forecasts, setup of a treasury intranet with subsidiaries…)

Information systems RFP and selection support

  • Defining target management processes and business requirements detailed in specification, arranging RFP issued to vendors and assessment of bids
  • Proof-of-concept workshop preceding the selection of the best bid. 
  • Topics addressed include liquidity management, risk management (transactional platform, e-matching, front-to-back workflow), transactions & payments, banking communication and bank reconciliation. .

Support to IS implementation

Following on from RFP process or done independently:

  • Bringing support to implementing and deploying treasury systems
  • Bringing assistance to contract negotiation, detailed specifications, test plan system acceptance, documenting configuration, project management and coordination